SciChart.Charting Assembly > SciChart.Charting.Model.DataSeries Namespace > XyDataSeries<TAllPoints> Class > XyDataSeries<TAllPoints> Constructor : XyDataSeries<TAllPoints> Constructor(TAllPoints[],TAllPoints[],Boolean,Nullable<DataDistributionArgs>)
The pre-populated XValues array. Must not be null.
The pre-populated YValues array. Must not be null.
When true, the DataSeries accepts unsorted data. When false, it will throw
When this flag is null, SciChart will automatically calculate data distribution flags on the provided data, including DataSeries<TX,TY>.DataIsSortedAscending, DataSeries<TX,TY>.DataIsEvenlySpaced and DataSeries<TX,TY>.DataContainsNaN. When provided, the user-provided flags will be used and this calculation will be skipped (faster).
XyDataSeries<TAllPoints> Constructor(TAllPoints[],TAllPoints[],Boolean,Nullable<DataDistributionArgs>)
This overloaded constructor accepts prepopulated XValues, YValues arrays which may come from other parts of your application.

The reference to these arrays is re-used inside the XyDataSeries, to prevent copying or creating new memory in SciChart to hold your data.

Note that if you update the xValues, yValues, you need to call DataSeries<TX,TY>.InvalidateParentSurface with parameter hasDataChanges=true.

Methods like XyDataSeries<TX,TY>.Append will still work but note that may cause the internal array to be recreated, disconnecting it from your passed in xValues and yValues.



The pre-populated XValues array. Must not be null.
The pre-populated YValues array. Must not be null.
When true, the DataSeries accepts unsorted data. When false, it will throw
When this flag is null, SciChart will automatically calculate data distribution flags on the provided data, including DataSeries<TX,TY>.DataIsSortedAscending, DataSeries<TX,TY>.DataIsEvenlySpaced and DataSeries<TX,TY>.DataContainsNaN. When provided, the user-provided flags will be used and this calculation will be skipped (faster).

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also